

tiistai 6. maaliskuuta 2012


You can just be what you are, nobody can take it away from you. If you have a dream, go for it, don't let anybody be on the way (ainakin siihen asti, kun dream ei vaaranna ketään muuta). Don't let other people say what you have to do, listen to them, 'couse usually particularly good friends have something clever to say, but your the one who makes the final desicion.

I've learned something really valuable. Somepeople try to pull you down, even when they don't themselves understand it, and you have to be enough clever to close your ears and stop listening. If your not good at something, you can only be better. And it's never too late to try something new. Maybe I'm not in that kind of age that I can say that but still it's true. I think it's funny how everybody knows these kind of clichés but who really know what they mean. Who really does things like they "should be done"?
I learned this from my music teacher. Now I really started to think about that. I've been a bit pussy. I've done it also in here. Why? Why? Why is it so hard to just do something?

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